One of my latest blog posts on Conversioner covered the fact 90% of our decisions in life are irrational. I had a long discussion with a few people on the topic and decided to feature 5 tricks our brain play on us to further explain our decision making process. You can find the link here.

The post is about Cognitive Biases and their pull on our decision process.

The 5 most common cognitive biases (neuromarketing tricks our brains play on us) are:

Anchoring – The tendency of people to rely on the first piece of information they receive and use that as their anchor in decision-making. For example when you see that one product costs $1000 you gasp with horror and then when you see a $600 product it suddenly looks cheap. Steve Jobs used this when he revealed the iPad.

Hyperbloic Discounting – When people who are given two similar choices of awards prefer the one that arrives sooner even if it’s worth less. So , even if you offer a smaller reward than you would usually, if it’s close and reachable people would prefer it.

Choice supportive– The tendency to attribute a positive perspective to a decision we’ve made. So in general it’s when we think our choices are much better than they really are. There’s a good example for how to use it in the article (trying to keep this as short as possible)

False consensus Really important. There’s this tendency in people to create products they want to create and not a product that people need. They also tend to market it that way. False consensus is the tendency of people to overestimate the level to which other people share their beliefs, attitudes, decisions and behaviors. We tend to believe that our habits and beliefs are more common than they really are.

Loss aversion People’s tendency to prefer avoiding losses to acquiring gains. This is used A LOT by marketers: “last time offer”, win this amazing prize (you don’t need) etc. Check out the full article with tips about loss aversion.

Cognitive biases have a lot of toll on our decisions and marketers can use these biases to learn from their audience and improve their product. Check out another article with  emotional marketing tips on landing page optimization.

The full article can be found here.


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