by Christine | Conversion Optimization
Let’s kick things off with a mental image: it’s first thing in the morning. While drinking your first coffee of the day, you’re doing what most of us do — scrolling the feeds. You scroll your way past multiple ads: cat litter boxes, hair products, online yoga...
by Christine | Conversion Optimization
It sucks to pour so much time and effort into creating a landing page and irresistible offer for your sales funnel only to be met by crickets when everything goes live. Sure, you could silence ‘em crickets by putting out paid ads. But paid ads and small budgets don’t...
by Christine | Conversion Optimization
I don’t know about you but every time we hit publish on an article for our blog, our hearts skip a beat. There’s always this underlying pressure. Will people read it? Will it resonate with our audience? Will people actually take the action we want them to or have...