I’m happy to announce that I’m working (almost done) on a new course that I have been wanting to launch for a VERY long time now: How to increase conversions using emotion and persuasive design.

Why I’m so psyched about this course (and why you should be too):

I get a lot of questions while I’m on the road, comments on articles I write and countless emails from you guys asking me how I go about planning, designing and using persuasion and emotional targeting to optimize landing pages, websites and entire funnels.

Since I want to make sure I’m delivering what you need, not just a plain answer to your questions but a full framework and methodology you can carry out yourselves, I’m in full course mode right now building a framework you can use to design anything from landing pages, pricing pages and all online experiences using persuasive design techniques, consumer psychology and emotional targeting. All in one course.

Online persuasion & emotional targeting course

Who can and should sign up for the course: 


  1. You want to learn what influences your customer’s decision-making process.
  2. You want to use persuasion techniques in your design that increase conversion rates dramatically.
  3. You want to leverage the power of persuasion and emotion to stand out from your competitors.
  4. Learn to choose the right font, colors, images and copy to influence your customers.
  5. Get a clear framework and process for all your creative needs (CRO, campaigns, SEO, social media, retention and more).
  6. You’re either just getting started with CRO or have experience and want to take your optimization skills to the next level.

What you’ll get:

  1. Dozens of templates and pre-filled frameworks for research, strategy and design.
  2. Bi-Weekly live Q&A with me
  3. Tips, case studies and best practices for persuasive design that converts.

When is this course coming? December 2016! 

If you’d like to get updates about the ‘How to increase conversions with emotion and persuasive design’ course, hear about early bird discounts, sales and more – check out this page.

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